Saturday, December 13, 2008 Complaints Establish Lack of Trust

Tim Miller is the CEO, Owner, President and self-proclaimed expert on just about everything. He claims to be a better autograph authenticator than ANYONE at PSA/DNA, JSA or any other company for that matter. As he said to me " PSA only gets it right (autographs) 50% of the time. They're in bed with EBay. They and EBay are the Gods". " Just send your books to me and I can tell if the autographs are authentic or not. I'm the real expert". " I know Obama, King, Clinton, Robert Indiana....I know them all. Hunter Thompson and Ralph Steadman. I'm an historian and publisher and I make and spend millions a year. Okay Buddy?"

He thinks he is the ONLY person on earth who should buy and sell signed books. He says he started the business ten years ago when no one was doing it and that was when he could make ten times what he makes today.

I suppose the competition has something to do with that.

Never sell or buy a book from this guy until you've done your homework. Believe me, he does his and knows how to walk the fine line.

If you ever sell a book to Miller on EBay you had better make sure that you have had EBay and PSA approve it beforehand. Mr. Miller bought a book from me assuring me that he could authenticate it himself (after all, he is the pro at that service and I believe he offers it on his website) and if not pleased he would simply return the book. I sold him the book and he had PSA Quick Opinion or another EBay third party look at the signature. They questioned it as "unlikely genuine", AFTER he told me he was sure it was authentic. He then turned me in for fraud! EBay suspended my account. He was successful in eliminating another book seller as competition on EBay. And to date Mr. Miller still has my book! He e-mailed me and wrote if you want the book back call the police and have them make me give it back to you. This comment followed an harrasement warning and a threat to send me to jail! Unbelieveable, however true.

BEWARE before you do business with this guy.

He is suing Imus because of a comment Imus made about his company on the radio. Check it out on the internet. It's hilarious. Suing Imus for being Imus using his freedom of speech right. Unreal.

Hey Mr. Miller, what about our right to speak and write what we feel? Aren't you a publisher? Just the facts Sir!

Lastly for those of you considering bidding on a www.flatsigned book on EBay. READ THIS! I submitted four signatures from four books, that Flatsigned was selling on EBay, to PSA Quick Opinion . PSA Quick Opinions (an autograph authentications service) only available for EBay listings, I believe. The four signatures were deemed as "LIKELY NOT GENUINE". One such evaluation is a violation of EBays rules and results in seller account suspension. Miller had FOUR in one day yet the listings remained active and one was even sold two days after the evaluations were made! Says a lot for EBay's buyer protection. Who is EBay really protecting? That is a whole new story by itself!